Meetings of the International Cartographic Association are held every two years. More than 500 cartographers and scientists and practitioners from related disciplines convene at these meetings to learn the latest research results, to plan future collaborative research activities, to examine the latest equipment and techniques, and to meet other professionals who share their interests. This award provides $15,000 to enable between 15 and 20 American cartographers to attend and participate in the next ICA meeting, which will be held in Bournemouth, England, in September 1991. Distribution of group-travel funds will be made by a subcommittee of the U.S. National Committee of the ICA; it will use an evaluation system that gives preference to young scholars, women, and members of underrepresented minority groups. Group-travel support through this award will enable more Americans to attend and participate in the 1991 ICA meeting. Their participation at this meeting will enable them to stay informed on new research results and to plan future activities. Because special emphasis is being given to the support of members of groups that have been underrepresented in past ICA activities, the quality and range of scientific activities facilitated by this meeting will be even greater.