ABSTRACT P.I. John Fleagle SBR-9319193 The origins of monkeys and apes in Africa are not well understood. The best finds for the earliest "higher primates" come from Egypt (the Fayum Depression) during the Oligocene, but they are very primitive indeed, and may well not lead to the clearly "African" monkey and ape fossils that appear about 10 million years later, from the Miocene deposits across East Africa. This Exploratory Grant in Anthropological Research will examine very promising sediments in northern Kenya, on the northern edge of East Africa, from the Oligocene and Miocene period. It is very likely they will find primate and mammalian fossils connecting the times and geographic areas already known, and may well dramatically change our understanding of those ancestral forms leading to the flourescence of monkeys and apes in Africa. *** Panthrojfried9319193.abs n August 8, after huge amounts of fatherly work and not inconsiderable fatherly expenditures! All involved are recovering nicely. Secondly, we were fortunate in recruiting Merry Bullock to be my Sabbatical replacement; unfortunately, the dem , . ! ! ! D ( Times New Roman Symbol & Arial " h d d = Jonathan Friedlaender Jonathan Friedlaender