This award provides funds for a Research Experiences for Undergraduates Site in Archaeology through Davidson College. The award provides the opportunity for ten students to join the Athienou Archaeological Project in Cyprus. Students will (1) receive instruction in survey and excavation techniques (e.g., remote sensing, computer-assisted mapping), record keeping and data management, and artifact analysis; (2) participate in seminars taught by experts on archaeological method and theory and the cultural history of Cyprus; (3) visit prehistoric and historic sites on Cyprus; (4) plan and complete an independent research project; and (5) live in Athienou and learn about life in modern Cyprus from the villagers. Three faculty and three graduate students will provide the primary instruction along with other project specialists. The students will master the methods of archaeological field research, including new high tech approaches to data collection and analysis, and gain a better understanding of archaeological theory during the eight week program. This award contributes to the Foundation's continuing efforts to attract talented students into careers in science through active undergraduate research experiences.