This is a new Faculty Early Career Development Program grant (CAREER). The research plans of the P.I. center around the study of Old World monkey evolution from a molecular genetic perspective. Three major components of this plan are - 1) the search for genes which are most informative on the phylogenetic and evolutionary histories of the monkeys; 2) the analyses of such genes; and 3) the actual population genetics of these monkeys using mitochondrial and nuclear DNA markers. This is a very new and exciting area of genetic applications, and the investigator is well situated, in training and with facilities, to undertake the work. The instructional component of the proposal is especially strong and innovative. He will be bringing computer-aided instruction and hands-on laboaratory experience into the NYU curriculum. He is also developing auto-tutorial and self-paced labs and practicals for several classes. He has been particularly attuned and accessable to the minority student body at NYU, and this, in the inner city, is especially appropriate.