CTS-0418787 M. El-Shall, Virginia Commonwealth University
The purpose of this proposal is to request support to hold an international cross-disciplinary conference on Nanoparticles from the Vapor Phase Synthesis with Chemical and Biochemical Applications in Davos, Switzerland from August 8-13, 2004, www.engconfintl.org/4ba.html. This international conference will be held under the organizational sponsorship of the Engineering Conferences International (ECI). The conference title reflects both prior conferences that have focused exclusively on vapor phase synthesis, and the emphasis of this new conference on the chemical and biochemical applications of nanoparticles and nanostructures. The conference will deal with the fundamental science and technology of the vapor phase synthesis of nanoparticles and the assembly of nanostructures, composite nanoparticles and thin films. While the field of nanoparticles in physical sciences has been actively pursued over the past decade, the chemical and biochemical applications have received little attention. A major focus of this conference will be directed toward chemical and biochemical applications of nanoparticles and nanostructures.
The objectives of the conference are to have in-depth discussions on the fundamental science dealing with the nucleation and growth in the vapor phase, the utilization of state of the art of technology in research in the vapor phase synthesis and the characterization of nanoparticles and nanostructured materials. The conference aims to assess the current status of the field, to identify future directions and to stimulate new research on nanoparticles design, synthesis, engineering aspects and applications.
This is an interdisciplinary conference drawing participants and speakers from Chemistry, Physics, Materials Science, Engineering, and biological and drug delivery fields. It is meant to attract individuals working on synthesis and characterization plus those working on new chemical and biochemical applications. It is this interaction in a broad range of areas that is novel about the planned conference. This proposal therefore requests support that will be used to offset attendance costs for young scientists and senior invited speakers from the United States. Funds will be used to support ten young scientists (within the first ten years of their academic careers), postdoctoral fellows and graduate students. In addition, funds are requested to support seven senior invited speakers. Particular effort will be directed to identifying members of minority groups to participate in this conference.
Intellectual Merit: The proposed workshop will advance the scientific and technological aspects of nanoparticle research. It will address new opportunities for research; discovery and invention based on the applications of vapor phase techniques to the synthesis, characterization, and chemical and biochemical applications of nanoparticles and nanocomposites. This is expected to enhance the scientific knowledge in these and other related fields, and it may lead to new exciting technologies.
Broader Impact: The proposed workshop will allow young scientists and graduate students from the United States to exchange ideas, experiences and information, and to build collaborations with the international scientists working on nanoparticles. This will promote nanotechnology for the benefit of the public and private sectors in the United States.
This award is funded by the Division of Chemical and Transport Sytems.