The proposed work aims to examine the fundamental mechanisms of cell communication and tissue development using the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) as a model network and Drosophila as the model organism. Using mathematical modeling, genetic experiments, and genomic analyses, the Principal Investigator will quantify the spatial gradient of EGFR activation in vivo, characterize the genome-wide transcriptional response to this gradient, and analyze how it is modulated by feedback loops. Such work generally aims at elucidating how biological systems construct ordered structures using chemical and physical signals. The work is applicable to embryo development and tissue regeneration. An innovative undergraduate course entitled "Patterns of Biological Design" will be developed. This course will cover how key engineering concepts (e.g., feedback, redundancy, robustness) manifest in biological and more traditional chemical and electrical systems. An exchange program with the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez will also be established.