Proposal Number: CTS-0627929 Principal Investigator: Sorenson, Christopher M Affiliation: Kansas State University Proposal Title: Support for Students to Attend Nanoaerosol Characterization Symposium
Intellectual Merit
Scattering is a powerful way to characterize the structure of material. With the advent of nanotechnology it has become more important to characterize nanoparticles and aerosols, and new techniques need to be utilized to these ends. This conference will report on the results of efforts over recent years to discover new techniques on projects as diverse as soot formation in combustion, material synthesis in aerosol reactors, and the structure of aqueous nanodroplets.
Broader Impact
The participation of US students and post-docs in this symposium will provide an opportunity to interact with leading international experts and become familiar with the current state of the art of this field world-wide, exchange ideas and develop collaborative projects. Graduate students will also have the opportunity to learn how national facilities can play an important role in their research.