The goal of this meeting is to share a broad perspective defining the critical needs for biofuels and to highlight cutting edge research and development efforts that are defining the next generation of biofuel product and process advances. One major deficiency in the advancement of biofuels is the need to do more integrated and cross-disciplinary research. This conference brings together a broad spectrum of core experts to bridge this gap and help to better enable and advance biofuel research efforts globally. The specific objectives of Keystone Symposia's The Future of Biofuels meeting (organized by Drs. William D. Provine, Chris R. Somerville, Doug Cameron and Jay D. Keasling) are as follows: 1. Address critical barriers to progress in biofuel technology development and innovation, 2. Forge interdisciplinary understanding and collaboration among scientists working in this field, 3. Compare competing ideas, approaches, and strategies in order to address regional challenges for biofuel choices and applications, and 4. Provide an interactive forum to involve new investigators and highlight their discoveries.
Intellectual merits: The Future of Biofuels meeting aims to advance knowledge and understanding within the field of biofuels research by presenting a more scientific view of the leading edge of knowledge in this area. In contrast, most meetings in the field of biofuels are industry meetings in which companies outline their goals and technologies. Keystone Symposia provides an internationally recognized platform as well as resources to ensure the success of this meeting and the organizers are well-recognized leaders in the field of biofuels research.
Broader Impacts: The field of biofuels is very dynamic and complex. There are many parallel ideas converging on the core issues in the field, and a large number of disciplines, ranging from social sciences and economics to chemical engineering and agronomy. There is a need to bring these disciplines together in a common format to facilitate interdisciplinary contacts and collaborations. Keystone Symposia's The Future of Biofuels meeting will provide a venue in which the various kinds of approaches can be critically considered within one intellectual framework. Additionally, this meeting will enhance infrastructure by fostering networking and initiation of collaborations. We anticipate the following educational benefits: acquaint trainees and investigators new to field with the state-of-the-art; critical scientific feedback; and career development for trainees and new investigators, including opportunities both to see successful scientists presenting cutting-edge science and to network with prospective mentors and others who might contribute to their scientific and professional development.
This project is co-funded by the Energy for Sustainability, Catalysis and Biocatalysis and Environmental Sustainability programs of the CBET Division of the Engineering Directorate.