The objective of this proposal is development of a Laser Microbioparticle Separator.
The development of novel label-free separator for micro-bio-particles should significantly enhance the capabilities of life-science research. From this point of view the proposed design concept looks very promising. The PI's approach includes high-speed imaging system for monitoring the single-particle flow and providing a triggering signal for the pre-separation lateralizing laser system; and lateralizing laser system for microfluidic particle separation. The PI's main objective is to develop and build a Laser Microbioparticle Separator (LMS) for label-free, high-throughput particle separation with single-gene-expression resolution. They will combine optical force-based laser guidance for identification and the microfluidic technique for separation to develop this instrumentation. The development team is formed through the Bioengineering Alliance of South Carolina, a structured effort between local institutions to promote biomedical engineering research and education.
The particle separator that is proposed to be developed will be placed in the PI's Biophotonics Lab located in the Rhodes Engineering Research Center at Clemson University. Since the separator is based on microchips and is thus portable, it can be brought to the Co-PIs' labs for use in various research projects