National Science Foundation ? Engineering Directorate Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental, and Transport Systems Division
Proposal Title: 2009 Laser Diagnostics Gordon Research Conference Principal Investigator: Sick, Volker Institution: Gordon Research Conferences Proposal No: CBET- 0926160
The main objective of this award is to support U.S. students and researchers to participate in the 15th Gordon Research Conference on Laser Diagnostics in Combustion, to be held August 16-21, 2009, at the Waterville Valley Resort, Waterville Valley, NH. This biennial conference, first held in 1981, has served as the off-the-record forum for scientists from all over the world interested in using laser light to understand combustion problems. Each meeting has been essentially a workshop, and the interdisciplinary discussions of major research issues are a highlight of the meeting. The Gordon Research Conference format brings together approximately 135 scientists for a week of intense interaction and scientific discussion.
The 2009 Gordon Conference on Laser Diagnostics for Combustion features twenty presentations that provide updates on the latest advances in laser-based diagnostics and sensor activities important in combustion efficiency and emissions for combustion systems relevant to the NSF mission. Many different laser-based techniques have been and continue to be at the focus of our investigations to meet these demands, including Raman and Rayleigh scattering, non-linear Raman spectroscopy, laser-induced fluorescence, multi-photon and pump-probe approaches, four-wave mixing and holographic grating techniques, and advanced laser absorption schemes. New techniques will be discussed such as high-speed laser imaging, coherent X-rays, surface-enhanced Raman scattering, and other surface diagnostics such as XPS. The design and application of laser-based diagnostics and the interpretation of the obtained data requires a thorough fundamental knowledge of laser physics, of spectroscopy, and of combustion chemistry.
Concepts will be shown of how to develop the best experiment and examples of how laser diagnostics is used in a wide range of environments ? from laboratory reactors to aircraft gas turbines, aiding broad technological impacts. As the only scientific forum with an interdisciplinary focus on laser-based diagnostics of combustion, providing an important medium of dissemination and technical education for young and emerging US scientists as well as senior specialists.