Partial travel support will be provided for students and young researchers to attend the international Summer School on "Biological Complex Fluids" in Corsica, France. The school in Cargese, Corsica (France) will meet in June, 2012, to discuss challenges in and approaches to the modeling of flows of soft materials. The conference has a strong interdisciplinary character involving researchers from different disciplines (physics, engineering, applied mathematics, computer science, biology and medical science) as well as different generations (expert senior scientists and students). The school integrates research and teaching aimed at training the future generations of engineers, physicists, and biologists to effectively cooperate, which can have significant academic and technological benefits. The intellectual merit is high. The scientific program brings together an impressive group of speakers. 14 internationally renowned speakers (including 3 women) from US have been invited. The proposed support will help to recruit students and young researchers from US to attend the school, which potentially has great impact on their careers. The school will be held in a 13-day period, with long 3 hour-lectures on the fundamentals on weekday mornings and short 45min seminar-style lectures on novel/advanced topics in the afternoons.
The international summer school "Biological Complex Fluids" provided a forum for discussion about the challenges and approaches in modeling flows of soft materials. It also fostred interactions between different disciplines (physics, engineering, applied mathematics, computer science, biology and medical science) as well as different generations (expert senior scientists and students). The school attracted 31 world renowned researchers (11 of them from US) to give lectures and talks. The $10,000 award partially covered the registration fees of 11 graduate students and 1 young researcher from US; 3 of them (25%) are female and minority students. The supported participants are: Kushal Sinha (Wisconsin-Madison), Josephine Lembong (Princeton), Rafael Henriquez-Rivera (Wisconsin-Madison), Daniel Hariprasad (University of Arizona), Barath Ezhilan (UIUC), Harishankar Manikantan (UIUC), Nicholas Hoh (Caltech), Charles Gregor Slominski (Caltech), Paul Salipante (Brown), Gregory Wagner UCSD), and Yuan-nan Young (NJIT). School topics: Swimming of microorganisms, Collective dynamics of micro-swimmers, Blood flow in the micro- and macro-circulation, Rheology of suspensions of red blood cells, vesicles, and capsules, Red blood cell mechanics in health and disease, Endothelial dysfunctions and cardiovascular diseases, Cell adhesion, Biological and model membranes : structure and mechanics, Composition and inclusion dynamics in biomembranes, Mechanotransduction Lecturers: Abkarian M. (France), Aronson I. (USA), Barakat A. (France), Bausch A. (Germany), Biros G. (USA), Dao M. (USA), Falcke M. (Germany), Feng J. (Canada), Goldstein R. (UK), Graham M. (USA), Guido S. (Italy), Hammer D. (USA), Ishikawa T. (Japan), Karniadakis G. (USA), Kruse K. (Germany), Lai M.C. (Taiwan), Le D.V. (Singapore), Leonneti M. (France), Miksis M. (USA), Morozov A. (UK), Noguchi H. (Japan), Peyla P. (France), Powers T. (USA), Saintillan D. (USA), Secomb T. (USA), Shaqfeh E. (USA), Steinberg V. (Israel), Svetina S. (Slovenia), Wagner C. (Germany),Walter J. (France),Zimmermann W. (Germany)