1250903 (Shaw). This workshop on the nexus of energy/water/climate/air pollution (NEWCAP) will bring together Sino (Mainland-Taiwan) and U.S. researchers to focus on NEWCAP issues with special emphasis on the effects of controlling fossil fuel combustion emissions on cloud droplet nucleation processes, the subsequent suppression of rain formation in the lower troposphere, and the overall shifting of patterns of precipitation extremes. The current science and technology outlook for Asia-Pacific related to NEWCAP will be explored at the workshop. Discussions will identify needs for sustained investigations in the future to fill knowledge gaps and improve capability for applications to environmental management. The conference will explore long-term theoretical, field, and laboratory research opportunities in relevant topical areas. Questions addressed will include: How can international leadership and partnerships in the science and technology of NEWCAP be developed? How important are changes in microclimate that are affecting clouds and precipitation in the Asia-Pacific region (relevant to the hydrologic cycle and water supply)? What growth characteristics of the megacities will influence energy production and use, including industry and transportation? What characteristics will be factors in NEWCAP interactions? How will multipollutant air quality strategies change in the next 25 years in response to the potential influence of climate change, including changes in precipitation extremes? The workshop will be held in the U.S. during August 2013. This award is co-funded by GEO's Atmospheric Chemistry program and Hydrologic Sciences program, ENG's Environmental Sustainability program, and OISE's Global Venture Fund.