1336386 (Realff). This project seeks to create an integrated system to capture carbon dioxide from air using a sorbent process using low temperature heat swings that will be combined with an enzymatic carboxylation using furfural and air oxidation to make 2,5 furandicarboxylic acid (FDCA). FDCA is a potential replacement for the terephthalates used in poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) and hence a key raw material for bio-based polymers. CO2 capture will be carried out using Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) functionalized with amines. Contactor design is a critical element of the process, and monoliths for gas phase capture will be explored both experimentally and through modeling. Desorption will be carried out using steam, which will require MOF?s that are stable to high water concentrations. The enzyme to be used will be engineered from decarboxylases that have been shown to have significant potential for carboxylation. Process engineering studies will be used to identify the most effective process configuration and to establish the life cycle energy and mass input inventories. New water resistant amine functionalized MOFs will be synthesized and characterized that will advance the state of the art in CO2 capture. An air capture cycle will be demonstrated experimentally with this material that will advance the state of the art in air capture systems. New biocatalysts will be engineered that are stable and have carboxylation functionality, which will advance the state of the art in biocatalysis. The research team will design and optimize a combined system for utilizing CO2 to make a potentially important raw material that will advance the state of the art in green chemistry and materials. PET has about 18% of the market share for polymers, the third largest, so finding a renewable source of materials that could replace it would have a substantial global impact. The production of the ethylene glycol component is already feasible through C6 sugars, thus the biggest barrier to further advances is finding routes to the terephthalate replacement. Polymers based on FDCA have superior properties for applications in beverage containers and Coca-Cola is already exploring their use. Results of the research will be widely disseminated through public lectures and a science radio program. Graduate students involved in this research will be trained in the specifics of biocatalysis and materials synthesis, as well as to concepts in integrated process modeling and design elements that underpin development of sustainable chemical processes.