NSF has made an award in support of travel expenses of 15 senior undergraduate and graduate students who will be attending the International Biocomplexity, Biodesign and Bioinnovation Summer School being held at Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir, Turkey, June 26-July 2, 2016. The Summer School hosts 6 invited faculty members and an anticipated 30 attendees. Attendance is limited to engineering, computer science, mathematics and biological science students who have the necessary math courses to understand the lectures and participate in discussions and panels. The NSF travel fellowships will be awarded on a competitive basis based on the scientific credentials of the candidates including their academic standing and relevance of their research, career goals and financial necessity. The main objective of the education program is to expose undergraduate and graduate biological science and bioengineering students to the relatively new approaches of Bionano Sensors, Bioelectronics Medicine, Biopharma Engineering and Technology and Healthcare Entrepreneurship. These topics will be helpful to undergraduate and graduate students in computer science and mathematics who are interested in pursuing research in biology, biomolecular engineering and bioengineering. The summer school uses lectures (30 by expert faculty) and panel discussions (led by faculty and participants) to stimulate further interdisciplinary research and collaborations among engineers, mathematicians, computer scientists, and medical researchers. Activities will help in identify new, challenging directions in complex biological science and bioengineering research. The goals of the conference, including the emphasis on student participation, are well matched to programs supported by the Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental and Transport Systems (CBET) Division.