The objective of the proposed research is to develop computational and experimental methods to improve the fundamental understanding of matrix-stabilized combustion in porous media. Matrix-stabilized combustion is an advanced combustion concept in which combustion is sustained within a porous heat-conducting matrix. The internal heat recirculation within the porous matrix facilitates preheating of the unburned gas mixture, thereby enabling high-efficiency and low-pollution operations. However, the limited understanding about the combustion and heat transfer processes represents a major challenge toward the successful implementation as low-emission combustion technology for transportation and power generation.
By combining computational modeling with experimental investigations, this research seeks to enable the quantitative prediction and detailed analysis of matrix-stabilized combustion in porous media. Specifically, the goal of the computational research is to develop a high-fidelity simulation capability to enable detailed pore-resolved simulations of heterogeneous combustion processes and gas-solid interaction inside the porous structure. The experimental effort will focus on the development of advanced non-intrusive X-ray diagnostics to obtain quantitative measurements of the temperature field and combustion processes inside the porous matrix. By combining detailed simulations and experimental diagnostics, systematic investigations will be performed to obtain fundamental understanding of heterogeneous combustion processes, identify flame structure, and assess effects of operating conditions, material properties and pore topology on the flame stabilization, emissions, and combustion performance.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.