This conference will integrate science and engineering experts in order to advance plastic pollution mitigation strategies through interdisciplinary and focused research collaborations. The organizers will address topics such as non-linear effects of micro- and nanoplastic pollution, toxicity in plastic waste, green materials, and environmental and health impacts of the increasingly high concentrations of plastic in the nature.
Increasing levels of plastic pollution are increasing awareness of and concern for harmful environmental effects of these plastics on ecosystems, living species, and public health. Due to their physical and chemical characteristics, micro- and nanoplastics can be distributed through water where they are ingested by numerous organisms and passed on through the food chain. While the scientific knowledge on these pervasive contaminants is increasing, important uncertainties prevail as plastic continues to be consumed and disposed of at an alarming rate. Sharing research results across national borders and pursuing joint scientific investigations that can shape national strategies is expected to accelerate research in all participating countries and institutions.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.