This international travel grant provides for roundtrip, coach airfare from South Bend, Indiana, to Frankfurt, FRG, for the week of September 20-27, 1990. The purpose of this grant is to assist Dr. Joan F. Brennecke so that she may present a research paper at the European Federation of Chemical Engineering (administered by DECHEMA). This meeting is held in Erlangan, Federal Republic of Germany, on September 24-26, 1990. The paper is entitled "Fluorescence Spectroscopy of Supercritical Fluid Systems with Entrainers." This paper summarizes a new technique to investigate solute/entrainer interactions using fluorescence spectroscopy, which gives information on the strength of interactions, local entrainers concentrations, and sobent effect on reaction rate. Many practical applications of supercritical fluid (SCF) extraction require the use of entrainers (usually 1 to 5 percent of a component of volatility intermediate between that of a solute and a SCF) to increase solubilities and selectivities.