The Principal Investigator will organize U.S. participation in a joint U.S.-French workshop on underwater robotics. The workshop will be held May 17 to 19, 1992, in Toulon, France. The French co-organizers have agreed to host the meeting at the Toulon laboratory of IFREMER, the French Agency responsible for ocean related research activities. Fifteen U.S. participants, selected to represent a wide range of underwater technology experience and research interests, will discuss and report on potential areas for joint U.S.-French collaborative research. The goal will be to identify research areas which are important to underwater robots; interesting as research topics; and in which the French and U.S. interests match sufficiently that the workshop participants believe substantial collaboration would be possible and beneficial. This report will be published in order to form the catalyst for U.S. researchers to propose and initiate joint projects with the French counterparts.