This award provides partial travel support to 17 researchers from academia and industry to an interdisplinary workshop on ceramics, to be held on July 16-17, 1992, in Las Vegas. Each participant will present a plenary session or a contributed paper. The workshop will review the present state-of-the-art in the areas of ceramic powder processing by colloids, aerosols, combustion and other processes, and will discuss critical issues, needs and research opportunities in the future. The strength of the meeting will be its interdisciplinary character, with contributions from different disciplines and from a large spectrum of industrial processes. It is expected that the preparation of this workshop in conjunction with the 23rd Annual meeting of the Fine Particle Society will enhance the participation of a representative group of scientists from the U.S. and abroad. The workshop recommendations and final report will address research issues of interest to the scientific community in ceramic powder processing. An assessment of the state-of-the- art world wide will be made at the conference.