ABSTRACT CTS-9313829 LUCHT Uniform diamond deposition has recently been demonstrated in rich H2/C2H2/O2 flat flames stabilized in the stagnation region of a deposition substrate. Diagnostics on these diamond forming flames have in general involved either emission or absorption spectroscopy with the usual drawbacks of line-of sight averaging or difficulty in relating intensity to total concentrations. The PI plans to investigate the gas phase chemistry near the deposition surface (molybdenum) using laser diagnostics to measure temperatures, and major and selected minor gas phase species concentrations. He hopes to achieve spatial resolution normal to the surface of 25 - 50 m. CARS will be used to measure major species such as H2 and CO, and temperatures. H atoms will be measured using two photon Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF) and or Degenerate Four Wave Mixing (DFWM). C2H2 will be measured using either CARS or DFWM and attempts to measure CH3 with DFWM in the ultraviolet or infrared will be made. He plans a close collaboration with Sandia National Laboratories with both their theoretical and experimental programs currently underway to investigate these stagnation point flames.