ABSTRACT C. Crowe 9401932 The P. I. will conduct research and teaching at the Institute for Metal Research of the University of Bremen, Germany, in the area of Spray forming technology, with application to net-shape manufacturing. The visit will last four months. In this time interval, a WSU graduate student will visit the Institute for two weeks. The host institute in Germany is a leader in the development of spray forming technology and has an active program on metal spray atomization. The P.I. has expertise in the theoretical and numerical simulation areas. It is expected that the P. I. and his student will benefit from their interaction with the German counterpart, and will develop a new program at the WSU after his return in the U.S. The P.I. received financial support for his stay in Germany from the host institution. Two components of the research will be further developed by the P.I. after hi re-entry back in his home institute: "Disintegration of Molten Metal Stream by Impinging Gas Jets" and "Distribution of Thermal Energy in the Spray Cone for Spray Forming Applications". The project has both scientific and technological relevance in the areas of metal spray and net-shape manufacturing. ***