SUMMARY OF PANEL DISCUSSION Proposal Number: CTS-9410211 P.I.: W. Chapman Institution: Rice University The problem addressed here is the development of new, more successful statistical mechanical models for electrolyte solutions. Existing models (beyond Debye-Huckel) belong to two categories: a) "primitive models" (PM) where the solvent is treated as a continuum and b) "civilized models" (CM) where the molecular nature of the solvent is taken into account. The PI's plan consists of improving existing CM models and successful primitive models (like the "Sticky Electrolyte Model") and testing them by molecular simulations. Furthermore, he plans to develop appropriate integral equation theories at his level of modeling. According to the PI, these improved models have the flexibility to describe complicated electrolyte systems (e.g., non-spherical ions and polyelectrolytes). -The PI is very knowledgeable and well-versed in his area, and his past work is highly regarded. -The plan of the proposed work should have been more detailed, especially in the direction of polyelectrolytes which is the most promising. -The PI is in a very competitive group and therefore he must excel in order to distinguish himself among his peers.