ABSTRACT CTS-9424169 M. Maxey The influence of spherical in the range of 10-500 (m on dispepsed, two-phase turbulent flow will be investigate. Numerical simulations for the motion of a large number of particles in suspension will include the coupling of the particle wakes and the turbulence. A multiple momentum procedure will be used to represent the effect of particles on local flow disturbances, for finite particle Reynolds number, in viscous fluids with concentrations up 5% by volume. The overall fluid flow field will be simulated with pseudo-special methods. Preferential particle concentrations due to local flow characteristics (vorticity, rate of strain), and the dynamic coupling of the particles with the small scale vorticity, will analyzed. The computational results will be compared to bubbly and slurry flow experiments. This study will help develop fundamental understanding for improved modeling of two-phase turbulent flow of interest in engineering and environmental applications. ***