ABSTRACT Collicott Purdue University CTS-9501881 Experiments investigating internal cavitation and turbulence in steady and pulsed atomizing orifice flows will be conducted. Applications of non-intrusive shortpulsed optical diagnostics are proposed to measure and observe cavitation and turbulence within small orifices. The primary diagnostic tool will be a photochromicdye-based flow tagging method using a short-pulsed laser. Cavitation in the orifice flows will be studied with short-pulsed image holography and a special orifice with gap dimension comparable with the dimensions of modern diesel fuel injector soifices. Applications of this work includes modern multi-orifice diesel fuel injectors, spray pain and other coating application, and agricultural spray application. The teaching plan consists of a new program with editorial and writing tasks. A common stumbling block for engineering students is the need to transfer their mathematical knowledge from the equation-solving format of early courses to delicious, rich flavor to engineering. A series of brief articles to coach students through this transition is envisioned.