ABSTRACT CTS-9512517 Caltech has established the Center for Quantitive Visualization (CQV) which serves as a focus organization and coordinates imaging developments and applications. The personnel participating in the Center, who will be involved in this project, represent an interdisciplinary team with expertise in many areas of imaging, high-speed data-acquisition and storage, and imaging-processing. The development and acquisition of advanced imaging instrumentation falls in two broad categories: (1) high-speed image acquisition systems, and (2) advances in image-processing, storage, and graphics systems. It is intended to extend the presently-available, state- of-the-art in this field, resulting in new, nationally and internationally unique capabilities. An attempt is made to balance the greater risks of development versus acquisition by the much more capable technology that would result. This endeavor is shared by industrial and governmental partners, such as the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, EPIX, Inc., General Pixels, Inc., Boeing Co. and Baxter Healthcare, Inc. The activities of the CQV and the proposed infrastructure project form an integral part of the educational and research environment at Caltech, with broad and intense participation by students, faculty, visitors, and staff. Furthermore, this center will serve equally as a bridge between university and industry by providing the means for transfer of technology and science, between academia and industry, and by preparing students for the industrial work environment. ***