Dr. Madnia's proposed research involves the use of numerical methods for nonpremixed turbulent combustion. His research plan involves the study of turbulent combustion using (1) Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) with affordable chemistry (reduced chemistry) in order to obtain flame structure and concepts, and (2) Large Eddy Simulation (LES) of chemically reacting flows using Lagrangian Monte Carlo methods for the solution to the subgrid transport equations. Flame structure and extinction will be investigated and compared to experiments. Methane flames with reduced chemistry using DNS will be studied in order to assess the flamlet and distributed flame models. The PI also intends to pursue several exploratory ideas for numerical models of plasma thick film processes, pulsatile flows for bioengineering, and CVD techniques. He intends to write an undergraduate textbook on CFD, develop interactive basic fluid videos, perform outreach in high schools and industry and involve undergraduates in research.