9632094 Reisman This proposal involves a number of senior undergraduate design projects targeted at aiding the disabled. Through their work, the students will design and implement new technologies, fulfill academic requirements, and produce a usable device. The target population, or consumers, includes individuals with spinal cord injuries, stroke survivors, individuals with sensory or neurologic deficiency, and geriatric individuals. The work will be performed in conjunction with the Kessler Institute for Rehabilitation in West Orange, New Jersey. The primary objective of the proposed projects is to increase safety and independence for their consumers. The devices produced will be designed with particular attention to affordability, reliability and portability. More specifically, the projects will address problems in personal hygiene (e.g., feeding, dressing and toileting), and difficulties in verbal, written and telephone communication. The projects will also include devices for handling money and credit cards when driving, page turning and accessing laptop computers. ***