ABSTRACT CTS-9707009 S. Kim U of Wisc-Madison The International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (IUTAM) 97-9 Symposium Rheology and Computation will be hosted by the University of Sydney, July 20-25, 1997. Participation will be restricted to invited scientists (40 oral presentations, and 100 active participants in the Symposium). The IUTAM Symposia are well established venues for presentation of research results and will attract participants from many disciplines in engineering and applied science departments. The aim of this conference is to bring together an international group of researchers from different fields of rheology. The five themes include: Suspension Rheology Boundary Conditions Molecular Dynamics Computational Methods Experimental Studies In recent years, there has been dramatic progress in various rheology subcommunities, especially with respect to improved efficiency and quality control for the benefit of industry. The goal of the IUTAM conference is to strengthen bridges from complementary perspectives and length scales, ranging from molecular to macroscopic/continuum levels.