Abstract Proposal No: 9710299 Proposal Type: Request for Conference Support Principal Investigator: David Savage Affiliation: Engineering Foundation This grant is awarded through the Separations and Purification Program sub-element of the Interfacial, Transport and Separations Program of the Chemical and Transport Systems Division. The grant is to the Engineering Foundation for partial sponsorship of the Engineering Foundation Conference on Separations Technology to be held in Davos, Switzerland, October 26-31, 1997. The conference will highlight the complex issues associated with integrating thinking about separation process performance and cost, and environmental considerations. Emphasis will be on the means for increasing separation selectivity and yield, leading to less waste and pollution. The conference is designed to bring together basic and applied researchers with developers of new industrial processes. Technical and poster sessions, designed to facilitate discussion and interaction, will prmote an understanding of the complex, interdisciplinary nature of separations technology and of the environmental challenges facing the separations community. Bringing together specialists from industry and academia will promote the interchange of ideas, and will encourage the participants to apply their unique skills to developing new and better separations processes that are environmentally sound.