~ - 1-I' l Abstract Proposal No: 9731369 Proposal Type: Request for Conference Support Principal Investigator: Orhan Talu Affiliation: Cleveland State University This grant is awarded through the Separations and Purification Program sub-element of the Interfacial, Transport and Separations Program of the Chemical and Transport Systems Division. The principal investigator is Dr. Orhan Talu at Cleveland State University. This is a grant application for conference support. The conference is the Sixth International Conference on Fundamentals of Adsorption which will be held in Presq'ile de Glens, France, May 24-28, 1998. This is a topical area fully relevant to the Interfacial, Transport and Separation Processes Program. The objective of the conference is to provide a forum for the exchange of research results and ideas related to adsorption processes. Topics that will be emphasized include adsorption for bulk gas separations, gas storage, cooling, air and water pollution control and environmental remediation. A special emphasis in this conference is the design of adsorption materials which include new and novel materials such as carbon nanotubes. The conference is a good blend of engineering science, materials chemistry and process engineering. There is also a good blend of scientists from industry, academia and government laboratories. Highly reputed international researchers are also part of the presentation and discussion schedule. The conference will benefit US scientists and engineers through interaction with their international colleagues. Participation by young faculty will be especially encouraged. The conference proceedings will be published after peer review. It is expected that NSF partial sponsorship of the conference will allow US researchers to fully benefit from the technical content of the program and will help advance the state of the art in adsorption science and technology. J