9809132 Trayanova The objective of this research is the development of a novel model of the electrical activity of the fibrillating myocardium with the objective of optimizing lead placement for defibrillation. The model is novel in the use of a biodomain approach which incorporates both extra and intra- cellular ionic currents as well as the active membrane behavior. The model also takes into account the orientation and structure of the muscle fibers making up the myocardium, something which the investigator has discovered has an important bearing on the electrical activity induced by defibrillating currents. The fiber structure is to be taken from a detailed map of myocardial fiber orientation derived in New Zealand. Model validation is to be carried out with ongoing experimental work being done in the investigator's lab. This research is in collaboration with a company, Pacesetter, Inc., an industry leader in the design and manufacture of cardiac rhythm management devices. ***