We propose to build on the existing MEMS (micro-electromechanical systems) simulator, SUGAR, and turn it into a design synthesis tool that supports the early stages of conceptual design. Our approach is to develop a broad base of MEMS building blocks and hierarchies of clusters and assemblies that can be integrated into a "MEMS/NEMS (micro/nano) Design Automation and Synthesis" framework for constructing a large range of MEMS and submicron devices. Our goal is to make MEMS and appropriate extensions to NEMS technology widely accessible to universities and small businesses.
Specific tasks are to develop an expanded set of modular building blocks for MEMS/NEMS design and to create corresponding engineering models for the SUGAR MEMS simulator. Using a case base of existing designs, we will build a prototype of an indexed library of these MEMS building blocks, clusters and design examples. An exploratory MEMS synthesis environment will be based on stochastic search algorithms that will produce conceptual designs for further deterministic refinement, fabrication, testing and evaluation. During the third year will make recommendations for scalability and extension to nano-scale designs (NEMS). To achieve broad impact, we will make our revisions to SUGAR freely available through source code, a web service and educational workshops.