The scaling of switching elements to nanometer lengthscales raises a formidable challenge to the internal processing of the optical data packets while maintaining a memory-free switching fabric. At the device level,nanophotonic logic elements for information processing will follow two parallel paths:electro-optic switch nodes employing high-index-contrast nanophotonics and an all-optical switch node based on photonic band gap nanostructures.Both implementations will demonstrate the feasibility for ultra-dense nanophotonic integration,towards the ultimate realization of an ultra-low latency computational network on the semiconductor chip.
Broader Impact Specific outreach modules on optical networks and nanophotonics will be developed for K-12 school teachers,and presented at schools with a high proportion of minority and underrepresented students around the New York metropolitan area.Undergraduates from our summer research programs will be actively recruited to graduate studies at Columbia and Georgia Tech. The proposed program aims to harness the extraordinary capabilities of nanoscale photonics and the immense communication capacities of optical networks to create a high-risk,revolutionary paradigm in high-performance computation.Our approach tackles what is perhaps the most critical performance challenge to future large-scale computing systems,namely the mounting communications bottleneck.
The uniquely integrated program merges expertise in fundamental nanophotonic physics, optical systems, network topology,and performance analysis,and thus presents an unparalleled opportunity for truly revolutionary advances in high-performance computing.Beyond the direct impact on future high-end computing systems,this proposed work may potentially introduce highly innovative photonic technologies towards new commercial applications.By demonstrating the viability of optical packet switching and nanophotonic subsystems businesses which currently deploy high-capacity fully electronic switches may consider the future insertion of nanophotonic-based interconnection networks.