Mobile phones and other similar portable systems are essentially embedded systems designed using analog/mixed-signal system-on-chips. These systems consist of several heterogeneous components including digital circuits, analog/mixed-signal circuits, power management systems, and software. The goal of International Symposium on Electronic System Design (ISED) is to bring experts from these fields together for the efficient design of such portable systems. The next issue that arises is how to train the next generation engineers to acquire the needed expertise. Thus, ISED has an integrated Workshop for Engineering Scholars (WES) and an Expo on Electronic Systems (EES). Overall, ISED creates a venue for researchers, educators, students, and industry personnel for close interaction for the advancement of research, education, and international collaboration in electronic system design. ISED is being held for the first time in Bhubaneswar, India, and this proposal seeks funding for supporting the travel and registration expenses of a few selected US students and keynote speakers to attend the conference in India. This should help in increasing the Indo-US collaboration in the area of electronic design.
2010, brought together researchers and experts from the Industry and Academia around the world to advance the science, engineering, and technology of Electronic System Design. Faculty, students, and industrial researchers from USA interacted with other researchers from India, Singapore, UK, etc. and discussed research and development in electronic system design. The ISED 2010 technical program included 3 keynote addresses, 8 plenary talks, and 6 invited talks in a workshop for engineering scholars from leading academic and industry researchers around the globe. A total of 41 contributing papers were also presented. The paper presentations spread over 9 different sessions. The technical program committee consisted of at least 12 IEEE Fellows and more than 40 IEEE Senior Members. The overall event is archived in the volume: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Electronic System Design (ISED) 2010, IEEE Computer Society Conference Publication Services, ISBN: 978-1-4244-8979-4. The proceedings can be used as a reference material in an electronic system design related course for senior undergraduate and graduate students in computer science, computer engineering, or electrical engineering. This project results in training and development in the following areas: (1) Low-power circuit design using different technology, (2) Energy efficient system design for portable applications, (3) Training of portable system power and performance optimization algorithms, and (4) Developing skills for using commercial, open source, and free electronic design automation (EDA) tools of nanoscale CMOS circuit and system design. In order to popularize science and engineering among common public, a facebook page is created. This is where all the activities of ISED are reported. The facebook page is available at: An integral component of ISED is the Workshop for Engineering Scholars (WES) which is conducted with manifold objectives, including: (1) Enhancing the employability of graduating students, (2) Inducing research-related thoughts in students, (3) Providing career road maps to students, and (4) Making teachers aware of the latest cutting-edge research areas. The Workshop for Engineering Scholars (WES), conducted on the 3rd day of ISED 2010, focused on educational research and general education materials for guiding students in their future career, to enhance their employability, to motivate students towards higher studies, and to advise young faculty for new research and career advancement. The various disciplines (or programs) of electrical sciences, including computer science, computer engineering, electrical engineering, electronics engineering, communication engineering were targeted. The 8 prominent academicians and industry researchers from USA traveled with partial support from the project and directly interacted on latest development in electronic system design with Intel-India president. There were several speakers from industry like Intel and Mahindra-Satyam, who discussed latest technology.