The International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software (ISPASS) is a premier forum for sharing advanced academic and industrial research focused on performance analysis of computer systems and software, and brings together researchers from the computer architecture, systems and applications software, and performance analysis fields. ISPASS seeks to increase student participation in symposium and the field. The proposed funding would support the travel of eligible US students to the symposium.
ISPASS is a conference that supports interaction among experts in performance analysis. It has been organized since 2000 and attracts attendees from many disciplines of computer science: computer architecture, compilers, programming models, software systems, applications. Papers at ISPASS 2011 covered all of these topics. Many of the papers describe tools that help these communities or provide insight on how systems and applications behave. ISPASS 2011 was held April 10-12 in Austin, Texas. Two tutorials were organized prior to the conference. One was on energy efficient data centers and the other on simulators for reconfigurable multi core processors. The conference program was comprised of 24 paper presentations, two keynotes, and eight poster presentations that were held during a reception. The conference attracted 75 attendees, of which nearly half were students. The support provided by NSF was used to fund travel for students. Applications from under-represented minorities were especially encouraged. A total of 19 applications were received and all applicants were awarded travel grants. Since every applicant was an author on a paper or poster at the conference, the $5K travel grant from NSF was divided equally among all applicants, i.e., $263 per student. Of the 19 awardees, 5 were under-represented minorities.