This funding renews a long-running and highly-successful CISE Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) site at DePauw University. The site exposes students to a range of topics in Computer Science, including pen-based computing, computer-supported cooperative work, assistive technology, natural language processing, functional programming languages, wireless sensor networks, programming pedagogy, parallel programming, and virtual reality. Students will work in small teams with a mentor and will experience conducting research as part of a team, disseminating research results, and participating in a community of scholars.
This REU site will allow 24 students (over three years) to experience research in a variety of areas in Computer Science. The site focuses on recruiting students from undergraduate-only institutions, who do not have as ready access to research opportunities as students at research universities. The site?s primary objective is to encourage talented students enrolled at undergraduate institutions to pursue graduate studies and research careers in Computer Science.