The Rocky Mountain Institute of Software Engineering is coordinating a workshop on architectures for process-sensitive engineering environments, to be held September 22-24, 1992, in Boulder, Colorado. The workshop's purposes are: obtain a good understanding of architectural issues for process- sensitive environments, compare alternative existing architectures, and develop a general "game plan" for future work. Participation is by invitation only, with attendees chosen to assure a balance of practitioner and researcher viewpoints as well as a balanced participation from industry, government and academic organizations. All attendees will be required to prepare position statements addressing topics identified by the workshop organizers. Most of the workshop will be devoted to working-group discussions of the topics; occasional presentations and periodic plenary sessions will be held to foster cross-fertilization among the working groups. A report on the workshop will be broadly disseminated throughout the software engineering community. This report will augment the results of other process and environment related activities such as the Software Development Environment Conferences and the International Software Process Conferences and Workshops.