The research objectives are in two areas. The first is that of one-rule semi-Thue systems, which are of interest in the general topic of theorem proving by machine. The research problem is to determine a decision procedure that distinguishes whether or not a given system is uniformly terminating; that is, to tell whether or not every derivation in the given system terminates. The second area is that of infinite games; that is, games that are conceived of as being played by two players over an infinite amount of time. This area is of interest in the general topic of making assertions in formal logics about the running of programs, and, therefore, in the general topic of concurrency control. There are tow major research problems: (I) To develop the concept of the infinite game in the setting of a board and pieces (like many parlor games). The purpose is to make the game concept more applicable to computer science, by making it more intuitively intelligible; (ii) To develop a usable and justifiable method for declaring a winner of an infinite game after a finite amount of time.