Graphs model many specific structures, including transportation networks, roads, rails, and flight-paths, computer networks, and VLSI circuits. Although graphs are very general, they have a great deal of structure that makes it possible to solve graph optimization problems more efficiently than less-constrained optimization problems. Thus, graph optimization has developed as a large subfield of mathematical optimization.
Randomization gives several important benefits in the design of optimization algorithms for graphs. Randomized algorithms often run faster and give better answers than their deterministic counterparts. Furthermore, since they are often simpler than deterministic algorithms, randomized algorithms can be easier to implement and maintain and can perform better in practice.
This project investigates the uses of randomization in several central optimization problems on graphs. The maximum flow and minimum cut problems, which are perhaps the most widely studied and applicable graph optimization problems, can be solved exactly__the major objective is designing faster, simpler, and more practical algorithms for arriving at the right answer. Other problems, such as graph coloring and bisection, analysis of network reliability, and construction of low-cost high-connectivity networks, are extremely hard to solve exactly__the major objective is to find efficient algorithms that give answers as close as possible to the elusive optimum. The algorithms developed will be of only theoretical interest unless they are actually implemented. Therefore, experimental analysis of the algorithms will be undertaken, comparing their performance in practice to that of other algorithms.