9875279 Pontelli, Enrico The goal of this CAREER project is to study techniques and methodologies for execution of constraint logic programs on parallel and distributed architectures. These models are applied to implicit and explicit parallelization of complex and irregular symbolic applications, such as those arising in Natural Language Processing, Knowledge-based Systems, and Digital Libraries. Parallelization is achieved through novel compile-time analysis algorithms and efficient run-time process and memory management schemes. The models are also employed to support an abstract framework for World-Wide-Web programming, based on distributed constraint logic programming and embedding specialized constraint domains, meta-programming extensions, and Web communication protocols. The framework created serves for rule-based coordination of software components. The activities of this project are expected to advance the state-of-the-art in these research areas and infuse knowledge into NMSU's parallel computing and programming languages educational programs. The educational development relies on curriculum development and on the introduction of novel teaching methodologies and collaborations with existing educational infrastructures. Emphasis is also placed on improving Minority participation in these fields.