This Chemistry Division award supports the continuation of a Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) site at the University of Connecticut. Amy Howell is the site's Program Director; Christian Bruckner is the Co-Program Director. Twelve faculty will serve as REU student mentors. During the award period (2001-2003), each summer students will participate in a ten-week program. Plans are to recruit students within the region (New England, NY, NJ, PA) from institutions that have limited opportunities for independent research. A concerted effort will be made to recruit students with physical disabilities--the department has the capability to provide bench chemistry for students who use wheel chairs. The research projects offered are in the areas of analytical, inorganic, organic, and physical chemistry. Student participants will interact extensively with their faulty research mentor and senior graduate student. The program will include a seminar series featuring safety, presenting research results, ethical issues in science, careers in chemistry, and use of chemical databases. The program will conclude with oral presentations and a poster symposium, which will be held in conjunction with other REU programs on campus. The program will be evaluated by the students via a series of questionnaires, first when they arrive on campus and again upon their departure. The REU faculty will be surveyed at the conclusion of each program, as will the faculty at the students' home institutions. Students will be tracked in terms of their professional activities following their participation in the program.