The focus of this research is in the development of synthetic methods for the synthesis of modified nucleosides by palladium catalysis. This research project aims will develop methods that use Pd-catalysis for C-N, and C-C bond formation to produce modified nucleosides. In addition to the fundamental work involving the catalysis itself, specific applications of C-N bond-formation will aid in developing novel approaches to advance the understanding biological responses to DNA damage. Use of polymer-supported synthesis techniques, including traceless linkers and high-throughput, diversity-oriented studies will be explored.
With this new award, the Organic and Macromolecular Chemistry Program is supporting the research and educational efforts of Dr. Mhesh K. Lakshman of the Department of Chemistry at City College in New York City. Professor Lakshman will focus his research on the development of new ways to synthesize DNA bearing unusual nucleoside bases. This research will contribute to the fundamental understanding of the role DNA plays in biological activity, and how cells respond to DNA damage. Chemistry students at the graduate, undergraduate and post-doctoral level will be trained in Professor Lakshman's laboratory, which has a strong track record of training minority students.