This research project, carried out in collaboration between Professors Beebe and Teplyakov in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Delaware, uses nanopits in graphite surfaces to template the growth of silicon oxide nanostructures. These "molecule corral" templates can be formed in a controlled fashion on the graphite substrate, and are used to controllably synthesize a range of silicon oxide nanoparticles, whose surface modification chemistry is then systematically studied. Information from this work helps to design process chemistries for the synthesis of nanomaterials with promising applications in electronic devices and sensor systems.
With the support of the Analytical and Surface Chemistry Program, Professors Beebe and Teplyakov at the University of Delaware are examining methods for controllably synthesizing silicon oxide nanoparticles of various sizes, shapes, and size distributions. Using "molecular corrals" developed in Beebe's laboratory as templates, a wide range of controlled nanomaterials can be produced. The surface chemistry of these silica nanomaterials is then examined in this research.