With this new award, the Organic and Macromolecular Chemistry Program supports the work of Professor Jeehiun K. Lee of the Chemistry Department at Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ. This research will broaden understanding of nucleotide chemistry through gas phase mass spectrometric and theoretical quantum mechanical studies. The gas phase acidity and proton affinity of natural nucleic acid bases and their derivatives will be explored in order to understand their fundamental reactivities. The inherent electronic, structural, and reactive properties of nucleic acids are of considerable fundamental interest and critical to understanding the role of these species as substrates in enzyme reactions and in DNA binding events. A combination of experiment and theory, ranging from mass spectrometry to organic synthesis to different levels of calculations, will be used in these studies.
The research will promote teaching, training and learning through direct research experiences for undergraduates and graduates. The results of the proposed research will be integrated into a physical organic chemistry course providing examples of the ways in which physical methods can uncover the reactivity of biochemical molecules and contribute to the solution of important problems at the interface of chemistry and biology.