Scientists from many US and foreign institutions will use the high-resolution Fourier transform spectrometer of the National Solar Observatory at Kitt Peak. Continuation of support from the Experimental Physical Chemistry Program will facilitate a diverse array of projects, including the high-resolution spectroscopy of free radicals and molecular ions, the spectroscopy of atoms, laboratory astrophysics, atmospheric spectroscopy, and the long-term monitoring of atmospheric constituents. Research proposals from five representative users include infrared absorption and emission studies of hot water molecules; the measurement of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases under a range of pressures and temperatures to improve the remote monitoring of these gases in planetary atmospheres; the characterization of small, reactive molecules containing boron; the precise determination of atomic transition probabilities of heavy elements to determine their abundances in stars; and detailed studies of the spectroscopy of methane under low temperature conditions to improve the modeling of atmospheres of the outer planets
This award will make available for general use a spectrometer with unique capabilities for obtaining high-resolution spectra in the infrared, near infrared, visible, and ultraviolet regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. Studies on this instrument will contribute to solving problems of astrophysical interest as well as contribute to our understanding of the earth's atmosphere. The facility will continue to encourage the participation of undergraduate researchers and principal investigators from predominantly undergraduate institutions.