This Chemistry Division award supports a Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) site at Ohio State University (OSU) for the summers of 2007-2009. The program director is Jonathan Parquette. The program will recruit a diverse group of undergraduates from HBCUs, local two-year colleges, and from the Summer Research Opportunity Program (SROP) at Ohio State. In addition, the program will target underrepresented students who participated in research at OSU as high school students or attended local high schools. This ten-week program will introduce students to the culture and mindset of science at the chemistry-biology-nanotechnology interface. The research projects have been designed to be interdisciplinary, technically manageable, and scientifically interesting for students who have completed two or three years of undergraduate chemistry. Students will attend workshops on library use, scientific computing, and NMR. Participants also will participate in career-focused, roundtable discussions and presentations ranging from research to science ethics to the process of applying to graduate school. The REU participants will write a research report and present their results at a department poster session.