Professor Patrick Desrochers, an inorganic chemist, and his co-PI Richard Tarkka, an organic chemist, are both faculty members at the University of Central Arkansas. They are supported by the Inorganic, Bioinorganic and Organometallic Chemistry program to develop nickel complexes with pyrazolylmethane ligands for use in protein purification and small molecule sensing. Chelating pyrazolylmethane and chelating phosphine ligands will be covalently connected to solid supports, and the resulting polystyrene bead-ligand-metal systems will be investigated as small molecule sensors and as substrates for protein purification.
This collaborative project combines the complementary areas of chemical expertise of both faculty members to address important problems in sensing and in protein detection. This interdisciplinary project features organic synthesis, transition metal chemistry, biological molecules, sophisticated spectroscopic methods, and new nickel chemistry as the basis for stimulating undergraduate research projects. The multidisciplinary training of students taking place in this setting serves as an important platform for establishing future career trajectories.