This award in the Inorganic, Bioinorganic and Organometallic Chemistry program supports work by Professor Alison Butler at the University of California at Santa Barbara to probe reactions catalyzed by vanadium bromoperoxidases (V-BrPO) from species of marine red algae in the biosynthesis of brominated spiro--bicyclic sesquiterpene natural products, brominated fused-ring diterpene natural products, brominated acyclic monoterpene natural products, and bromofuranone natural products. The mechanism of action of these enzymes will be further investigated through bromine isotope fractionation studies.
Many marine natural products and enzymes have important industrial applications in the specialty chemical, diagnostics, pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. Mechanistic enzyme studies of V-BrPO can be used to form the basis of an economical, alternative and environmentally sound source of brominated marine natural products, as well as further elucidating the mechanism of halogenation. Elucidation of pathways for the biosynthesis of new compounds of biomedical and industrial importance is an anticipated impact. This project supports the education and training of graduate students, undergraduate students and postdoctoral fellows in a highly interdisciplinary research project in a manner that will serve to broaden and deepen the level of research training. The graduate students and PI participate in an extensive UCSB campus network providing undergraduate research training and K-12 outreach, across diverse populations.