Katherine A. Kantardjieff of California State Fullerton (with Co-PIs Raymond J. Butcher from Howard University, Alanah Fitch from Loyola University of Chicago and Donald F. McMullen from Indiana University) and Allen D. Hunter from Youngstown State University (with Thomas B. Higgins from Harold Washington College, Bernard D. Santarsiero from University of Illinois at Chicago and Matthias Zeller from Youngstown State University) are supported by the NSF Chemistry Division Integrative Chemistry Activities to organize a workshop on "Cyber-Enabled Instrumentation Strategic Planning". The workshop will (1) assess the impact of cyber-enabled instrumentation in chemistry, especially for awards by the Chemistry Research Instrumentation Facilities:Multiuser program; (2) identify future directions of instrument cyber-enabling; (3) determine priorities for future instrument cyber-enabling that best suit the broader chemistry community and (4) create a cyber-enabling instrumentation network.
Shared instrumentation is a corner stone of research. Efficient and secure transfer of data between multiple users in collaborating institutions is essential for advancement of research, education and science. The workshop is viewed as having potentially broad impact not only within chemistry, but other disciplines as well.