This award is to continue a program, initiated by the NSF-REU Chemistry Leadership Group several years ago, which has provided travel support to REU and LS-AMP participants for the purpose of allowing them to present their research at spring National American Chemical Society Meetings.
The NSF-REU Leadership Group Travel Awards Program will partially fund at least 50 undergraduates a year from REU and LS-AMP programs to attend the spring National American Chemical Society Meetings in each of the next three (2010-2012) years. Mentors of these students who need travel support will also be offered a small stipend. Besides presenting their research, these undergraduates will also attend programs that have been designed to provide support and guidance in what, for many of them, will be their first intense interaction with the scientific community beyond their home and research institutions. The support programs will include a welcome session to introduce recipients and mentors to the Leadership Group, to the NSF, and to other award recipients, as well as an awards luncheon at which a well-known chemist will speak, with the intent of providing a specific welcome of the award recipients to the wider community of chemists.